
Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu november, 2016


Po veľmi, veľmi dlhej dobe píšem recenziu na nejaký produkt. Produkt mi poskytla stránka  . Nájdete tam veci od výmyslu sveta. Rôzne kozmetické ale i nekozmetické produkty. Ja som si vybrala tento rúž. Veľa som o ňom počula a tak som ho chcela skúsiť aj ja . Už na prvý pohľad zaujme svojím dizajnom a prevedením. Prevedenie je veľmi originálne ,nič podobné som predtým ešte nevidela. Bol to skvelý nápad s tým kvietkom vo vnútri rúžu. Okrem zaujímavého prevedenia sa od ostatných líši tým, že mení farbu podľa teploty vašich pier. Mne sa stále farby do ružových odtieňov. Rúž ma veľmi dobrú výdrž, aj po niekoľkých hodinách ho mám na perách, no keďže je to zrejme čínsky produkt troška sa obávam o to zloženie. Dokonca aj keď vonia skvele no ta chuť na perách je niekedy až odporná a mám pocit že ochutnávam nejaké kovy. No zloženie nikde nie je popísane takže je to len na vás čo si myslíte o čínskych produktov a či ste ochotné si to dávať na svoju pleť respektíve pery....


Paris, the City od Lights is the world´s most visited capital. My dream city! Dreams come true. I wanted to visit this city from my childhood. I was there, I love it there. I was there just for three days, but it were best days in my life. I was so excited it is  indescribabl e.  I saw all the best and most visited monument like Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Montmarte, Notre-Dame cathedral ,Arc de Triomphe, Les Invalides,atc.  I believe that I will come back to the Paris I want it so much. I have a lot of photos  and I made one video to commemorate for me so enjoy it! 

stylewe inspiration

I am here with new type of article. I would like to inspire you with  outfit which I like made by me from not my clothes, just from one a fashion shopping platform named . They have there a lot of beautiful pieces so it was pretty hard to choose just one piece for this outfit. I think this outfit is very comfortable and basic and you can use it for daily wearing. In my opinion it is typical fall outfit which I can imagine and I love this pieces of clothes and special this biker jacket.

(all) black

Black color. All time favourite colour. I love black colour. I think that I am saying it for milionth time but it is true. Do you agree with me ?  Black can look simple rock or elegant too. It depends on selection of clothing. Few years ago I was wearing a lot of rock type of clothes but nowadays I am trying to wear more elegant clothes and I think that this outfit is little bit elegant even though that I have bomber jacket. I wanted to diversify my outfit with something more colourful. I took my favourite tartan scarf which I love so much and I would wear it every day. And for "smarter" look I took fake glasses. 


I have´t done a haul in a  long time so here we go! Last night I came home from Paris and now I am not at school so I have time for my blog finally!  I bought some warmer clothes because is pretty cold outside. I love sweaters a lot and I bought them four but they are trifted so I didn´t spend much money. And as I said I was in Paris, but we didn´t have many time for shopping but I bought some little things.